Services Overview
ACUPUNCTUREAcupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points on the body. There are around 400 of these points, which allows for your treatment to be individualised. The most common areas for acupuncture are the lower legs and forearms, the abdomen and the back.
chinese herbal medicineChinese Herbal Medicine uses natural substances to regulate and normalise our body’s processes. The medicine may come in the form of raw herbs (which the patient boils at home, drinking the resulting liquid), powders to be taken as a tea, pills, or other forms suited to external application.
Tai ChiTai Chi (taichichuan/taijiquan) is a system of exercise rooted in martial arts principles and practice. It is usually performed slowly and repetitively, with regular practice leading to benefits in leg and core strength, balance and posture, co-ordination and reflexes, calmness and focus, and mind-body integration. It can also be used to rehabilitate injuries, improve sporting performance and recover from trauma.
QigongQigong (literally “Energy Work”) is a collective term for various Chinese forms of exercise, meditation, healing, spiritual work, and self-development. It can make use of movements, postures, mental techniques, and breathing to manipulate one’s own or another’s Qi.
Ancillary therapies
cuppingCupping is the application of a vacuum at the skin’s surface for a therapeutic effect. Traditional cupping uses a flame to achieve the vacuum, while modern techniques may use a mechanical or pressure method.
tui naTui Na is the Chinese version of remedial massage. It involves many unique movements and applications of pressure to stretch, press, rub and stimulate various areas of the body.
gua shaGua Sha (literally: “Scraping Out Pathogens”) involves the use of smooth, solid objects applied in stroking motions along the skin. As well as helping resolve certain pathologies, Gua Sha can be used as a self-care routine
MOxibustionMoxibustion is an ancient therapeutic technique which involves burning a herb (usually Mugwort/Artemisia, AKA “Moxa”) over particular area of the body, with the aim of producing a warming, invigorating effect.
diet & lifestyle adviceAs part of your treatment, you will also receive counselling and advice on areas of your life in which you can take action to instigate positive change and support the aims of your treatment.
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